MC-Line is founded!

Dietrich and Robert Maegerlein found the MC-Line GmbH on March 1st, 2019. The goal is to form a group of label printing companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland to serve medium sized and big customers more flexible and efficient.

By integrating the local managers as well as the management experiences by Dietrich and Robert Mägerlein the group shall be more successful that the individual site could be!

In the middle of all consideration are the customers in various industries, using the labels and benefitting from the better and more flexible service!

Maegerlein Consult and the MC-Line Group will work closely together!

Synergytab – all documents digital and always in latest version

Synergytab shall provide all documents, checklists, reports for maintenance or materials etc. on the tablet. Synergies on the tablet.

The documents in the factory shall always be in the latest version. That is not only a requirement by the quality management system, but also necessary to implement consequently changes in processes. Old forms or standards sleep in drawers or classifiers and come up when they are really not needed.

Process analysis easy on the iPad

Standard operating procedures become checklists, checklists or pictures become standard operating procedures. On a picture of a machine you can mark points and comment them with commands. When the machine operators touch on the points, they receive information what to do and in parallel the time of the touch is saved in the background. So you can collect data, how much time each step takes and communicate it to the back office in real time. You can base your decisions in lean management on. No handwritten lists, no time lack and no costs to enter the information in a database.

The installation of Synergytab is really easy. One day of installation, 2 days of training and already after some days you will see information which you can use for actions!

This is real industry 4.0!

Please visit us on the Hannover show from April 1stto 5th, 2019 on in hall 13, booth D28/1 or call us for a presentation!

Let your factory go digital!

Usitab, the French start up, presents its innovative apps on the Hannover Show from April 1stto 5th, 2019 on in hall 13, booth D28/1.

We aim to bridge the last “5 meters” between the office of the manager and the machine, respectively the machine conductor. Even for machines without computers Usichart can monitor their performance digitally. On a tablet the machine conductor can see the real performance and can categorize any stopper. This information goes into a pareto analysis about the main stoppers which cause the most loss of time.

The production manager can monitor all machine performance on his computer. In form of a dash board the main indicators are visualized – in real time!

So you and your team can react immediately and not only at the end of the month when usually the reports are generated. Actions and their results are visible immediately. You empower your colleagues! Their motivation will increase!

The installation of Usichart is really easy.

One day of installation, 2 days of training and already after some days you will see information which you can use for actions! This is real industry 4.0!

Please visit us on the Hannover show or call us for a presentation!

Dietrich Mägerlein – Partner at Mägerlein Consult

From March 1st, 2019 Dietrich Mägerlein is partner and managing director at Maegerlein Consult.

Dietrich Mägerlein was managing director and head of sales. He was managing director at CCL Label Marburg GmbH (formerly Eukerdruck) and at CCL Label PD GmbH (formerly Pharma Druck). Both companies were specialized on pharmaceutical labels, leaflets and booklets. He was head of sales healthcare Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

His focus in consulting will become sales management, product development and innovation.

We are looking forward to working with him!

Industry of the future 4.0: Show in Mulhouse

Together with our Partner Usitab we will exhibit on the show Industry of the future in Mulhouse on November, 20th und 21st. Our booth is  N-17!

Industry 4.0 with existing machines, that works! We show you how to measure and monitor digitally the performance of your machines (also without computers).

Industry 4.0 without great infrastructure, that works! We how you, how you to digitalize the entire work space of the machine conductors within 1-2 days of installation and training. The whole production is always working with the latest information.

We are looking forward to welcome you!

In case you can not come, please do no hesitate to contact us. We come to you! Call us!


Participate in 2 exceptional days dedicated to business, exchanges and innovation!

BE 4.0 is

  • highlighting the operational excellence and creativity of 230 solution providers in France/Switzerland and Germany!
  • encounters with European industrialists and experts of the 4.0 transformation via conferences, round tables and feedback.
  • the presence of Grand Est players who will advise and accompany companies towards their 4.0 transition, the backing of French 4.0 promoters, from Bade-Württemberg and Switzerland!

Digitalize your production!

So many written paper at the machine: simply digitalize!

Imagine you are Responsable conductor of a machine. You have manuals, instructions for quality, for work security, for training, maintenance and repairs – all in classifiers around your machine. You keep searching for the right documents and you never know if they are still accurate. They simply take space and time!

Synergytab digitalizes your work space

The efforts of search, upkeeping and training can be eliminated. With Synergytab all information and documents are available on your IPad, available to your colleagues at the machine:

  • The quality manager defines which SOPs etc. are available at which machine – just by defining the right users.
  • The work security manager can provide the instructions of work security or hazard goods to the relevant persons.
  • The production manager can provide the order information, the order planning, supporting documents about material, shift pattern etc. via the back office on the iPad of the machine conductor.

Simple Installation

Synergitab is installed easily and without great preparation. You need a WLAN access-point or a SIM-card in the iPad. You can load all relevant documents in the backoffice, usually within a day. The training of the employees is easy, since everybody is used to smart phones.

With Synergy Tag you can digitalize you production within 1-2 weeks! Your ERP-system can provide the order documents, recipes, check and production instructions on the iPad. If you like, the machine conductor can enter all requests, order information, check lists in the iPad. They are available to all persons in charge and can be reloaded into the ERP-system.

Improvement start!

All requests, check lists, alarms etc. are stored automatically and can be send by email to the person in charge.

The machine conductor can see als documentation of the colleagues in the other shifts. So no double or missing information. You see the maintenance, repairs and other activities which have been done or which may have to be done – all on the iPad.

Usichart for performance monitoring

Synergytab can be combined with Usichart. The performance of the machine is tracked on the iPad. Idle times or stoppers can be categorized – of course, when the machine is running again! The main causes for stoppers are visualized in a Pareto-analysis. The machine conductor starts automatically thinking about way to avoid the main stoppers in the future.

On basis of the analytical data and his experiences improvement start!

  • in short time
  • on the job floor
  • in a team with colleagues

The production manager has the same information on his computer, not only from one machine, but all machines which are equipped with Usichart or Synergytab. He can support the improvement process. Self-initative and responsibility enrich the job in the production and increase motivation!

Maegerlein Consult on the Fachpack 2018

Maegerlein Consult will be on Fachpack 2018, September 25th to 27th. Together with tec4check and Rubecon on a common booth. We will present the following::

  • tec4check with integration of Media Check into  Prepress Workflows of printing companies
  • Rubecon with its Druckdialog, the complete ERP/MIS-System for printing and packaging companies
  • Usitab with its Usicase to digitalize easily production and retrieve data from machines to analyze it on the iPad or tablet

We will be in Hall 8 Printing Packaging. We plan that at least one expert of each company will be present on the show. All systems can be demonstrated on the show!

We would like to invite you the the show! Please contact us under rm(at)

The show Fachpack 2018 in Nürnberg is the European show for Packaging, Processes and Technology. The show promises new trends, new perspectives and opportunities. More than 40.000 visitors meet ca. 1.500 exhibitors in 12 halls.

Automation in print inspection

Already on DRUPA 2016 tec4check presented the first solution of automation in Media Check, their print inspection system. With templates jobs can be automated. You only load the reference PDF and the sample file. All parameters are already defined in the template. The job is named according to the reference file.

As sample of use is a leaflet printing company. They use the templates in their prepress department. Reference- and sample-PDFs are drawn by mouse (drag & drop) into the template. Already a few seconds later the result is shown on the screen. If everything is okay, signs are green. If not, the user can evaluate the deviations as usual.

At their customers many thoughts focus on automation and simple processes. Therefore tec4check develops solutions. Template are the first step. They can be implemented and used immediately without necessary integration into an electronic workflow.

The integration in a workflow is also possible. Please follow tec4check!